深国交是一所国际高中 SCIE is an international high school
拥有国际高中的品质要素 Qualities of an International High School
英国剑标大学国际考评部/美国大学理事会 授权的国际高中直通世界知名大学
An international high school accredited by cambridge Assessment International Education and College board A springboard to world-class universities and colleges
* 2003年经深圳市教育局批准成立。原名“深圳教育国际交流学院”,2011年更名为‘深圳国际交流学院”。简称“深国交”或"SCIE
Shenzhen College of International Education was officially established in 2003, SCIE for short
* 英国剑桥大学国际考评部、英国爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构授权的全日制国际高中;为英国大学联合招生委员会注册会员学校
SCIE is an international school accredited by Cambridge Assessment International Education and edexcel. a member school of UCAs
* 亦是美国大学理事会的注册会员,美国所有大学都可以在美国大学理事会网站上找到深国交的相关介绍。
We have registered with the US College Board as a high school member, which means all American colleges are able to find us on the main website
* 国际学校联盟会员学校,办学水准通过CS认证。也是东亚国际学校理事会和亚洲英基学校联盟会员学校。
SCie has officially obtained the accreditation from the Council of International Schools (CIS). The quality of its education has been confirmed through the CIs membership.Meanwhile, SCIE is also a member school of FOBISlA and eARcoS
* 开设36门国际高中课程,包括剑桥大学考试院和爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构的IGCSE和 A Level国际高中课程,以及美国AP(大学先修)课程,涵盖科学、语言、人文、数学、经济与商学、艺术与设计、计算机科学、音乐等门类。
Provides 36 IGCSE, A level and AP courses in total, including languages, humanities,sciences, mathematics, business, art and design, computer sciences, music, etc.
* 学生们课外自发组织100多个社团,涉及科学、人文、艺术、体育、公益、领导力、生活技能等广阔领域。
Colorful excurricular life with more than 100 clubs organized by the students
* 全球范围内选拔教师。他们全部为全日制教师,其中60%以上为外教并担任教学管理与学科负责人。
Employs top quality staffs selected from all over the world who are full-time, professional teachers and administrators, over 60% of whom are expatriates
* 全日制国际高中,封闭式独立校园,人性化示范和引导学生,激励其生存、发展能力的培育。
A full-time school with an independent campus and a friendly and practical approach as well as an emphasis on ability and character building
* 培养具有申报英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、欧盟、中国香港等国家和地区知名大学资格的高中毕业生。16年的办学经历,积淀岀丰盛的办学业缋和葱郁的校园文化。每一届毕业生100%入读世界名校。
16 years of valuable experience in achieving admirable academic results and a dynamic respectable universities and colleges around the world school culture. Every single graduate from the previous 14 classes has entered
深国交具备的国际资质 SCIE s International Qualific
剑桥国际考评部和爱德思考试中心 Cambridge International and Edexcel
* 深国交为学生提供 CAMBR| DGE INTERNATIONAL和 Edexcel国体系最佳组合,并经过了16年的本土实践。
* 学生们在国内参加“全球性高考”,考场就在深国交校园内。 Cambridge International和 Edexcel成绩为英联邦、欧美、中国香港等地160多个国家或地区的正规大学所承认,可为学子们获得世界名校录取奠定胜算。
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如何备考深国交 |
深国交考试 |
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