社团展 第二弹
This article is an introduction to different clubs in the Social Welfare, Media, Health Cultural Studies and Entertainment area.
[ 数学工程支教社 ]
Math & Engineering Teaching Club
数学工程支教社,英文名Math & Engineering Teaching Club, 是集理工知识和社会实践为一体的公益社团。在2022年创立,致力于用有趣和生活化的方式向青少年和儿童普及数学与工程知识。不可否认地,数学和工程,与创造力息息相关,所以传授知识的同时我们非常鼓励学生积极思考和讨论。
METC (Math & Engineering Teaching Club) propagates math and engineering concepts to teenagers and children in an attractive and interesting way. Unjustifiably, math and engineering strongly correlates to creavity; therefore, we encourage and appreciate students to think actively and discuss with others about their thoughts and innovative ideas. The main ways of teaching are in-person and online (synchronous and unsynchronous).
[ 商务教学社 ]
Business Teaching Club is a club teaching Business and Economics voluntarily to mainly primary school students. We go to the primary school each week and teach a class there. The activities also contain voluntary teaching in Hainan and we plan to develop a teaching system this year with systematic text book. If you are a person interested in charity, voluntary teaching, and Business or Economics, then BTC is surely a good choice for you!
OECA全称Organization of Exceptional Children Affairs,中文名为深国交特殊儿童事务社,身为慈善性质社团立志于帮助特殊儿童,专注于帮助患有脑性瘫痪的特殊儿童,希望能用自己的一份力量帮助特殊儿童获得他们应得的尊重和支持,让社会各界更好地看见特殊儿童群体的价值与生活。
In alignment with the United Nations Foundation, Girl Up SCIE is a by girls, for girls movement in which we aim to achieve gender equality by educating our communities and empowering those around us to take action so that every girl can reach her full potential.
This ECA aims to draw students’ attention to help those women and girls that are left behind in our community and deepen their understanding about global social issues such as gender equality and quality education. We hope to dedicated SCIEers to take action to advance social justice and cultivate a better world.
[ 英语支教社 ]
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