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深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函

24970 人参与  2022年08月24日 19:18  分类 : 学在深国交  评论

大家好,这里是Peer Support Division!


Fun fact: Peer Support Division是深国交学长团最年轻的部门。在这里,我们与你共同成长。We are here for you!

2022-2023/ 我们做什么?

Peer Mental Mentoring Program

作为学长学姐,我们也和大家一样在这里度过许多开心的瞬间,也经历过失意与挫折。因此,我们在今年推出Peer Mental Mentoring program, 期望能借此机会帮助到处于压力之下的大家。


Mental Health Week

我们会在每年10月与各大社团联合开展Mental Health Week的系列活动。希望大家在享受活动的同时,也学会如何正确认识精神健康问题~

"A letter to you"

深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第1张
深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第2张

"Bulletin Wall"


Peer Academic Tutoring Program


2022/ 部员招新

我们诚挚邀请10位热忱善良的伙伴加入Peer Support Division,成为同辈咨询项目的线下mentor,并与我们共同组织本学年的活动。



• 对心理咨询有浓厚的兴趣,想与志同道合的伙伴共同进步的你们

• 有强大的组织沟通能力,带着“奇思妙想”的你们


• 共同热爱心理学,志同道合的好朋友

• 专业学习心理咨询知识的平台及实践机会

• 提升沟通能力和组织活动能力



欢迎大家扫码加入Peer Support招新大群,进一步了解我们!在8月27日,我们的初轮笔试链接将在群内发布。期待各位的加入~

深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第3张


图文&排版 | Peer Support Division

Hello, this is Peer Support Division!

We aim to provide a relaxing and enjoyableexperience for all SCIEr through the provision of mental and academic support programs. Here, you willengage in proper training that will equip you with everything you need to support your peers.

Fun fact: Peer Support is one of the youngest divisions in SCIE. We are here for you!

2022-2023/Our Activities

Peer Mental Mentoring Program

As senior students, we, just like everyone else in this school, experienced failure, and frustration. Thus, we will carry out the Peer Mental Mentoring program this year. We wish this program can support you to get through your hard times. 

This year, we will be recruiting peer mentors in the form of member selection. Mentors will be trained to become qualified peer mentors, who will support everyone with their passion and knowledge.

Mental Health Week

In the first semester of each academic year, PST will jointly host the mental health week with many othermajor ECAs in our school with the intention to raise awareness of mental health issues. More importantly, wewant to bring joy and relaxation to students’ stressful school life.

"A letter to you"

深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第4张
深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第5张

"Bulletin Wall"

Past Activities

Peer Academic Tutoring Program

The Peer Academic Tutoring program will be started from the beginning of the second semester. We hope the program can support you with the presence of the test week.

2022/ MembersRecruitment

We sincerely wish to recruit 10 passionate members to join the peer support division who will activelyparticipate in the upcoming activities: Peer mentoring program, mental health week, and academic tutoringprogram.

We are looking for

• The one passionates for supporting peers

• The one wishes to learn more about mental counselling

• The one filled with new ideas

What you will gain

• Friends with similar passions

• Knowledge of mental counselling

• Communication and leadership skills

• Experiences of organizing events in SCIE

• Happiness!

Please scan the QR code below to join our official WeChat group. Further notices will be released in thegroup chat~

深国交学长团部门招新:来自Peer Support Division的邀请函  学在国交 第6张

Scan the QR code & join us!!

Article & Editing | Peer Support Division

本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect 2023







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